Monday, December 31, 2012

Here's to 2013

Dear Beautiful,

As 2012 comes to a close, I cannot help but do some reflecting.  I know, I am officially jumping on the bandwagon as cheesy as it may be.  Nevertheless, the close of one year and the beginning of another is a good time to reflect.

For us, 2012 was full of many blessings, but also some painful experiences.  But because of those experiences, I know I am not the same person I was when the year began.  My heart has some wounds that have not yet healed, but I have also grown in ways I never would have.

I am thankful I am not the same person I was a year ago.  Time brings growth, maturity, wisdom, and beauty beyond skin deep, beauty that magnifies with time.  Although we buy age defying creams, dye our hair to hide the gray, and get plastic surgery in hopes that these things will help us withstand the effects of time, another year comes and goes and we become a year older.  No matter what we try, our physical beauty fades away.

I want true beauty, beauty that is beyond skin deep, beauty that magnifies with time.  As we grow and mature, our hearts become even more beautiful.  That's what I want.  I don't want to be the same person in 2013.  I want to yell less.  I want to apologize quicker.  I want to be less of a control freak.  I want to worry less.  I want to have less of my plans and trust God more.

These are a few of my hopes for 2013.  I want to be a more beautiful person.  I want to allow God's beauty to shine brightly through me.  And this is my hope for you too.  May you continue to grow and mature and brightly shine God's beauty, true beauty, beauty beyond skin deep.

Beauty Tip #12:  Make a list of your hopes for 2013 - hopes that are focused on your inner beauty, and ask God to help bring change in those particular areas.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Living Authentically

Dear Beautiful,

I have always valued authenticity, but when it comes to actually living it out, I am scared to death.  I am afraid of not being accepted.  I am afraid of not being loved.  I am afraid of being judged.  I am afraid of not measuring up.  I am afraid of being the only one who has ever felt how I do or struggled how I struggle.

I am much more comfortable showing only part of who I am.  Showing what can only be seen skin deep.  However, I am learning that although, it seems more comfortable, it actually fuels the very things we are afraid of.  Instead of protecting us, it leaves us feeling isolated, alone, rejected, unloved, and not good enough.  How can we receive love, acceptance, and comfort if no one ever knows the pain we are hiding inside? How can we receive His love, comfort, guidance, and peace when we pretend like we can do it all on our own?

It is difficult for me to receive love and support from others and even God because I have to admit I need it.  That is difficult for a person like me who likes to pretend like she has it altogether.  A perfectionist at heart.  But behind the pretending and perfectionist tendencies is just a person who is searching for love and acceptance.  And those very tendencies that I believe will help me receive love and acceptance, actually prevent it.

In order to receive love, we must open up our hearts and our lives to our Creator and to one another.  First and foremost, it is God who loves us unconditionally no matter our past and our present and all the baggage and junk that goes along with it.  He is the only One who loves perfectly.  He longs to free us from our search for love and acceptance by simply accepting the love He has for us.

I know it's easier said then done.  I know it's frightening to put yourself out there, even to those you can trust.  I also know it is scary to be known, but He will not reject you.  Authenticity, vulnerability, and humility do not come naturally, nor are they easy.  They involve risk, facing our fears, and laying down our pride.  But God is showing me that authenticity is actually one of the most healing and beautiful things in the world.

Beauty Tip #11:  Take time to journal and pray about the things that prevent you from being authentic and vulnerable, and ask Him to help you open up your heart to receive His love.